The woman saw her husband four times in two years of marriage and revealed the secret of the relationship

An American woman who married a Briton has not seen her husband since 2019

A US resident married a foreigner, saw him only four times two years of marriage and revealed the secret of a happy relationship. Reported by the Daily Star.

Heather Perriam met 52-year-old Steve from the UK in 2012 in an online game. At the time of their acquaintance, both the man and the woman were married, so at first a friendship arose between them. Soon, the relationship of the American woman with her former husband began to deteriorate, and the couple decided to divorce. During this difficult period, Steve supported her. According to the woman, then romantic feelings arose between them.

Related materials00: 04 – 8 November 2019 “It was ordinary life ”She fled from Stalin, and he – from Hitler. Then they got married and killed thousands of crocodiles 00:03 – January 26, 2018 Wild Lancewood Family >The lovers were separated by eight thousand kilometers, but the distance did not become an obstacle, and the couple saw each other regularly. In December 2019, Perriam married Steve in Washington. After the holiday, the newlyweds managed to see four times, and then the COVID-19 pandemic began, and they had to move their communication online.

Despite the eight-hour time difference, the husband and wife regularly communicate and call up. According to Perriam, distance is beneficial for her relationship with Steve, because every moment spent together becomes especially valuable. For everyone who wants to start a relationship at a distance, the woman recommends not to forget that the main secret of success is in regular and deep communication.

In the near future, Perriam plans to move to the UK with her lover.

Earlier it was reported that US resident Ashley Bulk agreed to marry a young man from England after a year and a half of communication on the network and did not regret it. Balk met her lover on Tinder

