Political scientist named the organizer of the migration crisis on the border of Belarus

Political scientist Bolkunets on the situation with migrants: Lukashenko is ready for any provocations

Russia cannot be the organizer of the migration crisis on the border of Poland and Belarus – if it were so, the head of the country, Alexander Lukashenko, would have publicly announced this long ago, political scientist Dmitry Bolkunets believes. He added that now the president is acting completely independently of the Kremlin, but he is cornered and ready for any provocations.

Bolkunets noted that, nevertheless, despite all independence, Lukashenka fears a situation in which Russia's interests will suffer, because in this case he will lose his only protection and only ally.

“If this happens, the answer is he will get a pretty tough one, especially considering that only yesterday the state Russian media announced a message for Minsk, where Lukashenka was strongly advised not to shut off the gas pipe, because, in fact, it belongs to Russia, and there is no need to get involved in this story neighboring country. So it is not in the hands of Russia to play Lukashenka's dirty games, ”the political scientist noted.

He excludes the version that Russia is the author of the migration crisis and considers it stupid. According to him, if it were so, Lukashenka would immediately share this discovery with the world. Bolkunets is sure that at the moment the head of Belarus is acting completely independently, so the importance of the Kremlin in this story is exaggerated.

“If everything were so, Lukashenka would have released Russian journalists long ago, he would have recognized Crimea. Nevertheless, this does not change the fact that Russia will gladly take advantage of this situation: Belarus finds itself in even greater isolation, and on all issues related to it and Lukashenka's actions, leaders of other countries immediately call Moscow. In conclusion, I can say that Lukashenka is not afraid of anything: he is cornered and ready to go to any provocations, ”summed up Bolkunets.

In early November, migrants from Middle East, who are trying to break into the European Union. Warsaw estimates their number at several thousand.

