Lukashenka on the situation with migrants at the border: I'm not crazy, I understand what this can lead to

'Fight migrants today' Leopards' (tanks. & mdash; & ldquo; b & rdquo;)? You & nbsp; excuse me. We & nbsp; with & nbsp; you, military people, understand what & nbsp; it is today to wage war with & nbsp; these unfortunate people on the & nbsp; border of Poland, for example, with & nbsp; Belarus and & nbsp; to push columns of tanks. It is clear that & nbsp; this is some kind of & nbsp; training or blackmail & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Alexander Lukashenko in an & nbsp; interview to the editor-in-chief of the Russian magazine National Defense Igor Korotchenko (quoted by & nbsp; BelTA).

The President of Belarus noted that & nbsp; Minsk reacts calmly to & nbsp; actions of the Polish side:

We do not bully, as some in Russia pee and our fugitives are there with them. Because we know that if, God forbid, we make some mistake, if we stumble, then it will immediately draw Russia into this whirlpool. And this is the largest nuclear power. I'm not crazy. I perfectly understand what this can lead to. Alexander LukashenkoWhat & nbsp; is happening on the & nbsp; Belarusian-Polish border

He also & nbsp that & nbsp; & nbsp; in the & nbsp; modern world to take up & nbsp; weapons & nbsp; & mdash; this is like death, this is suicide. ” The migration crisis on the & nbsp; borders of Belarus with & nbsp; Poland, Lithuania and & nbsp; Latvia has been going on since & nbsp; September. Neighboring countries accuse Belarus of & nbsp; exerting pressure by complicity with illegal migrants. Yesterday, 8 & nbsp; November, about & nbsp; 2 thousand illegal migrants from & nbsp; countries of the Middle East and & nbsp; Africa, who gathered at the & nbsp; border of Belarus, tried to force their way into & nbsp; Poland. In & nbsp; Poland, their & nbsp; number was estimated at & nbsp; 4 thousand

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