The Prosecutor General's Office supported the idea of ​​making appointments in the SIZO through “State Services”

Prosecutor General's Office: Electronic appointment scheduling in colonies will eliminate corruption risks portal “Gosuslugi”. Department spokesman Anton Davydov said at a meeting in the Federation Council that this would avoid hourly queues. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti.

He noted that now, in order to sign up for a date, lawyers and prisoners' relatives spend in lines for three to four hours. The Prosecutor General's Office is confident that electronic registration will speed up the process several times, and, in addition, eliminate corruption risks.

Also during the meeting, Davydov proposed to the FSIN to increase the number of meeting rooms and divide the premises into rooms for lawyers or investigators and for close prisoners.

It is noted that the development of the document began in 2018. By 2021, it was possible to determine the financing of the project. The FSIN suggested that the system could be operational by 2023.

Earlier, the Ministry of Justice proposed introducing a new type of incentive for convicts serving sentences in lighter conditions in a penal colony of general or strict regime. In particular, prisoners who have won prizes in various competitions may be allowed to attend cultural, entertainment and sports events.

