Gas and hot water will rise in price in Ukraine

Ukraine promised the IMF to abandon restrictions on gas, heat and hot water prices

Ukraine has promised the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to lift prices for gas, heat supply and hot water. This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the text of the memorandum, which is at the agency's disposal.

From May 2022, prices will fully reflect the costs of companies for the provision of services, including capital investments. This is one of the conditions of the updated memorandum of cooperation with the IMF. Now all of Ukrgasvydobuvannya's consumer gas is sold to Naftogaz, from which energy sales companies buy it at a discounted price. The current fixed gas price under the annual contract is 7.96 hryvnia per cubic meter. At the time of installation, the price was in line with the market price, but now it is three to four times lower due to the sharp rise in gas prices on the European spot market.

