MPs support impeachment of Chilean president

In Chile, MPs supported the impeachment of President Piñera over allegations of corruption suspicions of billions of dollars in corruption, published in the Pandora papers by the international consortium of journalists (ICIJ). This is reported by TASS.

According to the agency, 78 parliamentarians voted for the constitutional charge of corruption against Piñera, which was the minimum required to support the initiative. At the same time, 67 deputies spoke out against such a measure. It is noted that the Senate will have to make the final decision on this issue.

On October 5, it became known that a group of opposition deputies in Chile decided to submit to parliament the issue of impeachment of the president after the publication of the “Pandora dossier”. The politicians stressed that the state leader deserved a constitutional charge because he broke the law. At the same time, Piñera himself denied his involvement in offshore schemes.

According to the facts from the dossier, the Chilean leader and his wife Cecilia were the main shareholders of the mining company Minera Dominga. In 2010, the family sold their stake for $ 152 million to the president's friend, businessman Carlos Delano. Part of the deal was carried out in the British Virgin Islands. According to Biobio, the payment was split into three parts, the last of which was received by the country's leader only after the government refused to recognize the land where the mine is located as protected areas.

