Rashkin passed a polygraph in connection with the detention of a moose carcass

Communist Party deputy Rashkin passed a polygraph to confirm the version of the moose incident

State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Valery Rashkin a moose carcass was found, passed a polygraph test to confirm its version of the incident with the killed animal. This is reported by “Interfax”.

According to the deputy, he did it on purpose in order to drop charges against himself. “Yesterday we received an official conclusion from the Association of Polygraph Examiners that I’m not lying when I talk about these things,” Rashkin emphasized. He added that the conclusion of the polygraph examiner confirms the fact that the deputy himself is confident in the legality of hunting elk.

Earlier, Rashkin said that he was ready to cooperate with the investigation. In addition, he confirmed that he had sent a letter to the chairman of the Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin. As the deputy noted, if he voluntarily participates in investigative actions, the procedure for removing parliamentary immunity from him will not be required.

On the night of October 29, Deputy Rashkin's car was stopped in the Saratov region by a policeman with an employee of the local hunting committee. A dead elk was found in his trunk. Rashkin himself admitted that he saw the carcass of the animal and wanted to hand it over to law enforcement officers.

