In Moldova, new gas tariffs called genocide

Former Prime Minister of Moldova compared the new terms of the country's contract with Gazprom to genocide

Former Prime Minister of Moldova Ion Chicu in a country with genocide. According to Kiku, the majority of the country's population is unable to pay for the new tariff. The increase in the cost of natural fuel occurred against the background of the extension of the contract between Moldovagaz and Gazprom. The words of the ex-prime minister are reported by RIA Novosti.

“Genocide. Only a company of illiterate officials could provoke a 240 percent increase in the tariff, which is regulated by the state, “said Kiku.

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The gas tariff for consumers in Moldova was raised from 235 to 537 dollars per thousand cubic meters after the government of this countries extended the contract with Gazprom for five years. When calculating the new interim tariff, the Moldovan National Energy Regulatory Agency took as a basis the projected market price for the next 14 months. At the same time, the tariff was approved retroactively and so far only for a month – from November 1 to 30.

The constant gas price under the newly extended contract will be calculated according to the formula proposed by the Moldovan side. According to the previous short-term agreement, in September Chisinau received a bill for $ 790 per thousand cubic meters.

