The head of the Ministry of Health spoke about the results of non-working days

Head of the Ministry of Health Murashko: non-working days helped to turn the situation with COVID-19

introduced in Russia in connection with the spread of COVID-19. This was reported in the government's Telegram channel.

According to the Minister of Health, the introduction of non-working days made it possible to turn the tide with the coronavirus. According to him, over the past two weeks, the increase in the number of cases has decreased.

Murashko also noted that 3.7 million Russians were vaccinated during non-working days. In total, 62 million people were vaccinated with the first component of the vaccine.

Earlier, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that measures to combat coronavirus were strengthened throughout the country, testing was increasing. He said that in five constituent entities of Russia, regional authorities have extended the non-working day regime, taking into account the recommendations of sanitary doctors and the epidemiological situation on their territory.

39 160 new cases of coronavirus have been detected in Russia over the past day. Most cases were recorded in Moscow (5287), Moscow region (2818) and St. Petersburg (2680). Least of all – in the Sakhalin region (30 people), the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (19 people) and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (15 people).

