Details of the case against the project about the fictional deputy Nalivkin are disclosed

The director of the video about Nalivkin Klochkov called the case against the project as putting an owl on the globe

Deputy Vitaly Nalivkin, Andrei Klochkov spoke about the details of the institution for the film crew of the criminal case of hooliganism. In a conversation with, he said that the director, cameramen and authors of the project face five to eight years in prison for using pyrotechnics in a public place and violating public order. According to Klochkov, the police needed an excuse to close the project.

On Tuesday, November 9, it became known that a criminal case was opened against Klochkov and other members of the film crew under part 3 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Hooliganism committed with the use of explosives or explosive devices”). Searches took place in their apartments. According to preliminary data, the reason for the initiation of the case and the searches was a video in which Nalivkin solves the problem of poor-quality stops with a grenade launcher.

Pulling an owl onto the globe

Klochkov said that searches in the creative studio of the BARAKuda project took place on November 4. “People in masks burst into our creative studio, put us all face down, confiscated all our filming equipment, personal phones and read us a decree to initiate a criminal case,” the director shared.

The project team was told that a month and a half ago, they filmed a video in the suburbs of Ussuriysk, in which they violated part 3 of article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Hooliganism committed with the use of explosives or explosive devices”).

“There, according to the plot, Nalivkin demolished a monument, which was our requisite, and neutralized a suspicious object at a bus stop. We used pyrotechnic effects. After that everything was brought back to its original form. That is, there was no damage there. After the release of the video, no questions arose for us. A week later, the local police checked the site and confirmed that we had not caused any damage. For a month and a half everything was fine, the video was gaining popularity, and then apparently they decided to find fault with us. There was some kind of statement that we allegedly caused damage to the city infrastructure. This statement served as the basis for initiating a criminal case, “- said Klochkov.

The director of the project connects the initiation of a criminal case against the BARAKuda team with the fact that law enforcement agencies were looking for a suitable excuse to close the project.

“In this situation, we do not consider ourselves criminals and violators of the articles that are attributed to us, because everything took place in an absolutely deserted place. We did not violate any public order. For what reason the law enforcement officers had a desire to initiate a criminal case on this matter, we still cannot understand. We have an idea why this happened. They are not interested in any stop, they just needed some kind of excuse to shut our mouths and bother us. I don't know what they have in mind, but it was clearly not our local Ussuri police who initiated it. The regional department of economic security works for us. And they naturally receive orders from the central offices, “Klochkov suggested.

The director of the project emphasized that the authors of BARAKuda's videos never pursued the goal of offending someone, humiliating someone's dignity or creating conditions in which public order would be violated. “We did not undermine the urban infrastructure, the political system. We regard these actions on the part of law enforcement agencies as utter chaos. Why should we consider ourselves criminals and criminals? We refuse to perceive the accusation in such grave articles and somehow logically substantiate for ourselves, “he summed up.

The members of the film crew face from five to eight years in prison, said Klochkov. “In this particular situation, we count on the support of the public. Of course, we are counting on legal assistance. Because how can you even observe such a thing. Why do we need to hang a criminal offense on us? This is an obvious pulling of an owl onto a globe. Blatant nonsense raised to a tenfold degree, “he concluded.

On October 21, it was reported that the court had passed a sentence on the previously repeatedly convicted Larisa Krivonosova, who parodied the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Police Major General Irina Volk on the Internet TV series about Nalivkin. It was clarified that she was found guilty under Article 314.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Repeated non-observance of administrative restrictions”) and sentenced to three months in a general regime colony.

Klochkov later said that the court's decision would not affect the creative activities of the BARAKuda project … According to him, all scenarios and stories from Krivonosova will be revised. The producer added that the crew will be waiting for the actress to be released.

