Entrepreneurs received over 4 billion rubles of express loans from SME Bank

Small and medium businesses received express loans from SME Bank for 4.1 billion rubles

SME Bank, a subsidiary bank of the SME Corporation approved loans to small and medium-sized businesses under the Express Support product for a total amount of 4.1 billion rubles. They were launched in September. More than 630 entrepreneurs have already provided financial assistance. More than 85 percent of organizations that belong to micro and small enterprises received funding.

Soft loans are given for further business development, replenishment of working capital, financing of current activities, as well as investments. You can order express support completely online from anywhere in Russia.

“The product is designed as a response to the entrepreneurs' request for access to quick financing, when the speed of decision-making is especially important. The new tool was set up in dialogue with the business. Thanks to this, it was possible to create attractive conditions, including ensuring the availability of financing for companies from affected industries, “said Alexander Isaevich, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SME Bank, General Director of the SME Corporation.

” SME Bank, as one of the institutions development of entrepreneurship, I am ready to provide an opportunity to get loans that are now much needed at an attractive rate without visiting the bank, having considered the application as soon as possible, “- quotes the press service of the chairman of the board of SME Bank Petr Zaselsky.

For example, VISTA »From Samara, which is developing the production of fasteners, in 2021 received seven million rubles for the purchase of new machines. Expansion of production helped her to increase the range of products and increase the volume of production.

The Stop-T company is building a thermal complex-resort for family recreation “Tortuga” in Chelyabinsk. To finance its current activities, she attracted a loan from SME Bank in the amount of 10 million rubles. The company will purchase the necessary materials, components, and part of the funds will invest in the further development of the complex.

