In St. Petersburg, a deliveryman knocked down a child in the yard, promised to help with treatment and disappeared

In St. Petersburg, a food delivery man hit a child, promised financial assistance in treatment, and fled

Petersburg, promised his relatives to financially help with treatment and disappeared after fleeing Russia. On Tuesday, November 9, Fontanka writes about this in its Telegram channel.

The incident took place on August 18. Ulukbek Ysmayilov knocked down an eight-year-old girl in the courtyard of an apartment building. The young man offered to take the child to the nearest hospital. The victim's grandmother agreed, fearing that the ambulance and the police would take a long time to get to the accident site. Then the second-grader was still able to move independently.

In the medical institution it turned out that the child received a compression fracture of seven vertebrae. The 25-year-old delivery man promised that he would provide financial assistance, was in touch for some time, and after learning the amount of treatment – 150 thousand rubles – he disappeared.

As a result, the police were contacted only 10 days after the accident. Now the Investigative Committee (IC) has not been able to initiate a case for three months, since the perpetrator of the accident left Russia. The girl was diagnosed with serious harm to her health – she was almost immobilized.

On November 8, it became known that a 16-year-old teenager driving a Volkswagen Touareg foreign car in Drozhzhino near Moscow knocked down a woman with a child at a pedestrian crossing, after which he got scared and fled. It was clarified that the police found him.

