Guy Killing Suspect Confessed To Another Rape

Investigators spoke about the new crime of the alleged murderer of female students in Gai another rape. This was reported on Tuesday, November 9, by REN TV.

According to the newspaper, the head of the criminalistics department of the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) Dmitry Annenkov told about this. During the investigation into the murder of the girls and the arson of the apartment in which they were in the city of Gai, the suspect admitted that he had raped another girl immediately after his release from the colony in July 2021.

His victim narrowly escaped death. Lazarev said that he was going to kill her after the rape, but a case intervened, which prevented the reprisal. Law enforcement officers did not know anything about the incident, since the victim did not write a statement.

On October 5, the ICR published a video of an investigative experiment in which Lazarev showed how he dealt with the girls.

Lazarev is charged with rape, violent acts of a sexual nature, deliberate damage to other people's property, misappropriation of a car.

The murder became known on September 30. The bodies of two girls were found after extinguishing a fire in an apartment in a residential building on Molodezhnaya Street, and the body of a third victim was found in the courtyard of the house. All showed signs of a violent death.

