Activists reacted to the idea of ​​Roskomnadzor to ban the screening of LGBT films

Russian activists reacted to the idea of ​​Roskomnadzor to limit the display of LGBT films films in online cinemas under the pretext of content in the pictures of scenes of “sexual deviations”. His words are quoted by the radio station “Moscow speaking.” “This has already been extended to LGBT content. A number of Western films that have been shown on the Russian market are already censored. Scenes of same-sex relationships were cut out of them. It seems to me that this will be a step towards the actual legal framework of what is already happening in Russia, “the activist noted.

He also added that this decision of Roskomnadzor may become another attempt to regulate social and cultural life. “We will just turn into some kind of absurdity. Now they are looking for new topics in order to distract the attention of the people from other problems, “Alekseev summed up.

deviation “. This ban may apply to streaming platforms, and Internet providers will be required to block films that violate the law.

development “. Thus, not only LGBT propaganda will be banned, but also the very demonstration of unconventional relationships.

In September this year, the actor Sergei Bezrukov announced that there was no discrimination against the LGBT community in Russia. However, he added that children should be protected from propaganda, adding that representatives of sexual minorities “encroach on normalcy.”

