Hundreds of illegal border crossing attempts reported in Poland

The Polish border service recorded 309 illegal border crossing attempts

Hundreds of illegal border crossing attempts were recorded on the border between Poland and Belarus per day, most of them were suppressed. This was reported by the Polish Border Guard, RIA Novosti reports.

The Border Service announced 309 attempts to illegally enter Polish territory. It is noted that 17 people were detained, most of whom turned out to be Iraqi citizens. Six people were arrested for aiding illegal immigrants. Two of them are citizens of Ukraine, one is a citizen of Uzbekistan, as well as citizens of Germany and Syria. According to the agency, 85 refugees were ordered to leave Poland.

Earlier, the head of the German Interior Ministry Horst Seehofer said that Germany and Poland are not able to independently cope with the aggravating situation with migrants on the border with Belarus. He called on the European Commission to take the necessary measures to resolve the migration problem as soon as possible.

On November 8, a group of migrants from the Middle East gathered at the Belarusian-Polish border and tried to break through the fence. The Polish government has estimated their number at three to four thousand people. Warsaw claims that the camp of migrants is guarded by Belarusian security forces.

