The doctor warned the Russians about the dangers of a fashionable way to lose weight

Nutritionist Zharovskaya: Intermittent fasting can cause health problems She said in an interview with Sputnik radio, why intermittent fasting is dangerous.

Intermittent fasting divides the day into two periods, in one of which it is forbidden to eat. For example, the 16/8 regimen, in which you can eat for 8 hours, and then you need to fast for 16 hours.

“There are people who genetically can eat more rarely, this method of nutrition is suitable for them, but this is only 20-30 percent of people. There is also research that intermittent fasting works well for insulin resistance, when high insulin and impaired glucose tolerance, ”- clarified the nutritionist.

Zharovskaya added that intermittent fasting can cause health problems in other people. This method affects the pancreas, liver and gallbladder. Long breaks between meals lead to the accumulation of bile, stagnation, the risk of stone formation increases, the doctor explained. She concluded that intermittent fasting rarely helps to lose weight.

Previously, nutritionist Irina Ryl said that regular consumption of chicory can help lower blood sugar levels and improve bowel health. She noted that chicory contains vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, C, PP, as well as potassium and magnesium.

