The main trends in medicine are identified

Specialist of the Russian company Engy Health named the main trends in medicine predictive and integrative medicine. She explained their features in a conversation with as part of the CyberReality project.

In predictive medicine, the human genome is deciphered, which makes it possible not only to find out his predisposition to diseases, but also to choose the right treatment for diseases that have already made themselves felt. Integrative medicine perceives the human body as a whole, and doctors do not treat a specific organ or system, but consider the disease in general.

In the future, diseases can be detected in advance, when a person does not yet have obvious symptoms. The new equipment will help the doctors in this. It will determine the risk of developing certain diseases in a practically healthy person. The technology will recognize the first symptoms and inform the doctors about it.

Engy Health has developed a small gadget to control the heart rate. Its users are offered to take measurements in the morning and in the evening: the algorithm will analyze the change in heart rate and tell about the health of the owner of the device, and at the same time will give useful advice.

“We are sure that the measurement of heart rate variability will soon become the same a familiar component of health examinations, like measuring blood pressure, ”says Krutikova. According to the company's specialists, it is important to learn how to predict diseases – then it will be easier to treat them.

The CyberReality project is dedicated to how high technologies are changing the lives of Russians and humanity as a whole. He talks about how developments that seemed fantastic just a few years ago are now providing safety, helping in everyday life, saving lives, expanding the horizons of people with disabilities and caring for the elderly.

