& nbsp; in & nbsp; connection with & nbsp; the situation on the & nbsp; Polish-Belarusian border from & nbsp; 9 & nbsp; November 07 09:00 Moscow time said in the & nbsp; message.
The border service asked the travelers to go to the & nbsp; border checkpoints in Terespol and & nbsp; Bobrovniki.
The State Border Committee of Belarus noted that Poland decided to close the border checkpoint in Kuznitsa.
On the & nbsp; border of Belarus with & nbsp; Poland and & nbsp; Lithuania in & nbsp; in recent days, the migration crisis has worsened. It & nbsp; has been going on since & nbsp; summer and & nbsp; began after Minsk refused to continue to help the European Union in the & nbsp; fight against illegal migrants. Minsk's refusal came after the imposition of & nbsp; EU sanctions against Belarus, related to & nbsp; including the & nbsp; incident with & nbsp; the forced landing of a Ryanair plane, on which & nbsp; oppositionist Roman Protasevich was flying.
On the morning of November 8 & nbsp; a column of migrants headed to & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Polish border and & nbsp; came close to the & nbsp; border fence at & nbsp; checkpoint “ Forge ''. The & nbsp; Belarusian border service said that & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; such a step of despair of the refugees prompted the indifference and & nbsp; inhuman attitude of the Polish authorities. ” in the & nbsp; country for migrants to get to the & nbsp; border. Minsk denies these accusations.
Against the & nbsp; background of the aggravation of the situation, Poland and & nbsp; Lithuania pulled the security forces, including the army, to the border. Some migrants are trying to break through the barbed wire fence with & nbsp; cutters and shovels. They were & nbsp; dispersed with tear gas. Belarusian border guards claim that shooting was heard from & nbsp; Polish territory.