A giant plastic recycling plant will appear in Russia

RT-Invest will launch Russia's largest plastic processing plant by 2023

Rostec subsidiary RT-Invest “Will launch a giant recycled polymer processing plant by 2023, writes RBC. On November 8, the company signed a contract for the construction of a factory with the Ministry of Investments, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region and the management company of the Kashira Park Special Economic Zone.

The plant, which will appear near Kashira, will become the largest in Russia – its capacity will be more than 100 thousand tons of finished products per year. RT-Invest said that this figure for existing and planned enterprises in Russia is, on average, half as much. The factory will use the used plastic containers and packaging to produce “green” PET granules that are suitable for recycling. This material can be useful in a wide variety of industries – bottles, food packaging, children's toys, fabrics, building materials, polymer pipes and much more are made of it.

“The resulting products – secondary polymer granules – will not yield primary in terms of their qualities. (…) By 2025, RT-Invest will enter the top 10 largest polymer processors in Europe, “says the head of RT-Invest, Andrey Shipelov. According to him, companies such as Mars, PepsiCo and Danone will definitely be interested in the material, whose products, according to plans, by 2025 will consist of half of “green” PET granules.

The construction of the factory was announced in May. Then the volume of investments was estimated at six billion rubles. Now the expected amount has grown to 10 billion rubles, said Ekaterina Zinovyeva, head of the Moscow Region's Ministry of Investments. RT-Invest will finance the project by 10-20 percent, the rest will be provided by a syndicate of banks. Since the plant will be created in a special economic zone, the project will receive a number of benefits – the amount of income tax, property and land taxes will be reduced. In addition, the owners will be able to install imported equipment without customs duties and VAT.

In September it became known that by the end of 2022 another large factory for processing plastic waste will be launched in Russia. A joint venture of the domestic companies Ecoline and Vtorplast under the name Ecoline-Vtorplast will be built in the Yegoryevsk urban district. The plant will also produce pellets for recycled plastic. The factory's capacity was estimated at 43 thousand tons of finished products per year.

