Revealed the reason for the erroneous shortening of the validity period of the vaccination QR codes

The validity period of the vaccination QR codes was erroneously shortened due to the introduction of a new form

coronavirus, which occurred on Monday, November 8, is associated with the introduction of a new form of vaccination certificates on the public services portal. This reason was disclosed to Interfax by a source in the government.

According to the interlocutor of the agency, on November 8, an order of the Ministry of Health came into force, which approved a new form of vaccination certificates. At the same time, all certificates and QR codes that were generated prior to this date were to be reissued automatically.

“The re-issuance of electronic documents, apparently, was associated with a failure,” the source explained.

On November 8, Russians began to issue new certificates of vaccination against coronavirus, medical contraindications to it, or a past illness. At the same time, some users of the website of state services noticed that the validity period of their certificates was reduced from 12 months to six.

Later, the Ministry of Digital Science explained the incident with a technical failure. The Kremlin also assured that the Russian authorities did not discuss shortening the validity period of QR codes.

