Electric vehicle sales jumped in Russia

AEB: sales of electric vehicles in Russia jumped by 118 percent since the beginning of the year … This is reported by Interfax with reference to the data of the Association of European Businesses (AEB).

At the same time, in absolute figures, the figures are quite small: in 10 months of 2021, only 845 electric vehicles were sold. “Of course, the growing segment of electric vehicles may eventually be occupied by locally produced models,” the AEB said. On the other hand, the refusal to extend the zero import duty rate on electric vehicles for the coming years could undermine the positive trend.

Experts explained that this would cause prices for electric vehicles to rise and consumer demand to fall. “In addition, some manufacturers may postpone the introduction of their electric vehicles to the Russian market amid higher costs for lower than expected sales of electric vehicles,” the association added.

January-September rose in price for Russians by about 20 percent, and individual brands – by 40 percent. The price increased significantly in the spring and summer, but now the cost of cars continues to increase by 1-2 percent per month. On average, prices in the premium segment have grown more than in the mass segment. At present, demand exceeds supply, many are forced to travel to other regions for a car. The deficit will not be overcome until at least the middle of next year, experts are sure.

