Russian virologist doubted Gunzburg's words about a sufficient level of antibodies

Virologist Nesterov questioned Ginzburg's words about a sufficient level of antibodies

The statement of the director of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg about a sufficient level of protection against coronavirus antibodies need to be tested, say virologists. RBC writes about this on Monday, November 8.

Earlier, Gunzburg, on the basis of a study conducted in conjunction with the Moscow Department of Health, said that for complete protection against the delta strain, 300 antibodies in international units are needed. He also noted that if this figure is lower, then you need to be vaccinated with Sputnik Light.

Molecular biologist, doctor of biological sciences, head of the laboratory of biotechnology and virology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Novosibirsk State University Sergei Netesov questioned the words Gunzburg and noted that he would not be so categorical about the sounded value of antibodies. He referred to several scientific publications that mention different values ​​for this indicator.

“In particular, in order not to get sick at all, you need to have a protection level above 2 thousand of these BAU/ml. To get sick easily, you need a level from 300 to 2 thousand. As a rule, if a person with such a level of antibodies falls ill, he does not need hospitalization, “Nesterov said and clarified that so far these are only preliminary research results that have not been reviewed.

Virologist, professor at Moscow State University, Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexey Agranovsky said that he only partially agreed with the head of the Gamaleya Center about the required level of protection in 300 international units.

“Why partially? The ratio of the level of antibodies to the S-protein in BAU units and the level of protection is rather arbitrary. Perhaps Academician Gunzburg has more accurate data, and 300 BAU is a reliable protective level, “he said.

In turn, the head of the laboratory for especially dangerous infections of the Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine, Professor of Virology Alexander Chepurnov assumed that 300 BAU/ml is a sufficient level of protection.

