Russia wants to simplify the issuance of visas for vaccine tourism

Turpomosch proposed to simplify the issuance of visas for vaccine tourism in the Russian Federation

Therefore, the issue of simplifying visa requirements for those entering under this program is being discussed. Izvestia writes about this.

As the head of the Association of Tour Operators “Turpomosch” Alexander Osaulenko told the publication, working proposals for the preparation of vaccine tours to Russia will be presented in December, and the project itself will be launched from January 2022. In addition, the issue of simplifying the issuance of entry documents for foreign tourists coming to Russia for vaccinations is being actively discussed.

“The visa for those entering under this program should be a prototype of an electronic visa, should be issued according to a simplified procedure. The decision on this issue must now be approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We need to make sure that when a person decides to come to Russia to get vaccinated, he does it as quickly and comfortably as possible, we need to simplify this path, “explained the head of Tourist Assistance.

for vaccine tourism, a simplified e-visa mechanism should be introduced for spectators of sporting events. Within the framework of such a program, obtaining a document is carried out according to an accelerated scheme, as well as online.

It is noted that at the end of 2020, the number of applications for travel to Russia for vaccines reached 100-120 thousand, but some experts believe that mass demand has not yet been observed. It is planned that the greatest interest among foreigners will be caused by vaccinations with single-component drugs, for example, “Sputnik Light”.

Earlier in October, sales of vaccine tours to another European country, Greece, were launched for Russians. Thus, tourists were offered trips for three or four nights to Thessaloniki – you can get vaccinated with one of several WHO-approved vaccines to choose from: single-component Johnson & Johnson or two-phase BioNTech-Pfizer and Moderna.

