TV Channel “Dozhd” will challenge in court the decision to be included in the list of foreign media agents

Channel Dozhd will file a lawsuit and challenge the decision to assign the status of a foreign agent

TV Channel Dozhd ( included by the Ministry of Justice the register of media performing the functions of a foreign agent ) announced that he plans to appeal the decision to be included in the list of media foreign agents. As the channel's editor-in-chief Tikhon Dzyadko wrote in Telegram, the channel's representatives intend to challenge the assignment of the status of a foreign agent in court.

“The Dozhd TV channel will file a lawsuit today in connection with the inclusion of the channel in the register of“ foreign media ”, challenging this decision, “Dzyadko noted.

At the end of October, Roskomnadzor excluded the Dozhd TV channel from the list of media outlets receiving foreign funding. At the same time, Dzyadko noted that the Ministry of Justice decides the issue of excluding foreign agents from the register, however, there is no procedure for leaving this list in Russian law.

The Ministry of Justice entered Dozhd into the register of foreign media agents on August 20. As explained in the department, the channel received 130 thousand euros (11.2 million rubles) from the European Union and indirect funding from abroad. In addition, the list includes the publication “Important Stories” and seven journalists.

