The State Duma named the best way to accelerate the pace of vaccination in Russia

Deputy Leonov urged to look at the mortality statistics to accelerate the rate of vaccination in Russia is to look at the mortality statistics for coronavirus. This decision was called by the deputy of the State Duma, deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee for health protection Sergei Leonov. His words on Monday, November 8, are quoted by

So he commented on the statement of the famous Russian virologist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Cell Proliferation Laboratory at the Engelgardt Institute of Molecular Biology Pyotr Chumakov, who spoke for compulsory vaccination in Russia.

Leonov also noted that, as a doctor, he considers vaccination necessary in the current conditions. “The more people will be vaccinated, the less problems we will have with providing medical care to those patients who suffer from COVID-19,” he said.

As of November 8, over the past day in Russia 39.4 thousand new cases of coronavirus. The total number of infections since the start of the pandemic was 8,834,495.

