The Ministry of Health highly appreciated the work of the Lipetsk region in the fight against COVID-19

The Ministry of Health noted the professionalism of the Lipetsk region administration in combating COVID-19

In the Lipetsk region, effective routing of patients with COVID-19 has been organized, high rates of vaccination have been recorded, including among the older generation and pregnant women, and compliance with the introduced anti-epidemic measures is being monitored. All measures are being taken by the regional government against the backdrop of a difficult epidemic situation. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Health of Russia Sergey Glagolev at a meeting with the Governor of the Lipetsk Region Igor Artamonov, where the measures taken by the administration to combat the spread of COVID-19 were discussed. The deputy head of the Federal Ministry of Health is on a working visit to the Lipetsk region together with Olga Kobyakova, director of the Central Research Institute for Organization and Informatization of Healthcare (TsNIIOIZ) of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

“I would like to note the professionalism of the staff of polyclinics, hospitals and mobile vaccination stations, which work in an extremely stressful mode. For its part, the Russian Ministry of Health constantly monitors the supply of medicines, oxygen and is immediately ready to provide any support to the regions, including in attracting medical specialists and teams to provide assistance to both patients with covid and other diseases, “said Sergei Glagolev , having given a positive assessment to the practice of the Lipetsk region in organizing and conducting express tests.

“We will continue to purchase express tests, they have shown their effectiveness. Moreover, we will insist that they be recognized as reliable when the sick leave is closed. This will greatly facilitate the work of doctors and the lives of people who need a test before going to work, “- said the head of the region Igor Artamonov.

In the Lipetsk region, antibiotic therapy is well organized, it was especially emphasized at the meeting. “This is very important and this practice needs to be maintained and monitored. Antibacterial drugs, especially in case of coronavirus infection, should be prescribed reasonably, “said Sergei Glagolev.

One of the most effective policies to combat coronavirus infection has been built in the Lipetsk region, Olga Kobyakova said, summing up the results of her work in the region. “We see that restrictive measures in the region have not only been introduced, but their implementation is constantly monitored. We checked this on ourselves, trying to get into cafes, shopping centers and when checking into a hotel. The work in medical institutions is also clearly structured, we saw lean technologies in action, competent separation of patient flows, no shortage of drugs and oxygen, “- said the head of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Healthcare.

The restrictions introduced in the Lipetsk region are forced measures and will continue to be adjusted in accordance with the epidemiological situation, said Igor Artamonov, however, no tough bans are foreseen in the region yet. “We have a good pace of vaccination, the work of the ambulance has improved, which has seriously reduced the time of arrival at the call. Now we are seeing a decrease in the number of patients admitted to hospitals, not infected, namely hospitalized. This is also a good sign. Then we will act on the basis of an analysis of the epidemiological situation, “the head of the region concluded.

Sergei Glagolev and Olga Kobyakova worked in the Lipetsk region for two days. They visited the infectious diseases hospital of the Lipetsk emergency hospital No. 1, the Center for Emergency Medicine and Disaster Medicine of the Lipetsk Region, the Lipetskpharmacy pharmacy warehouse, the Lipetsk City Polyclinic No. 4, and assessed the work of mobile vaccination centers. During this time, the officials got acquainted with the work of polyclinics, ambulance services, and an infectious diseases hospital. Medical workers were provided with comprehensive methodological support and recommendations were given on the organization of activities. The focus was on working with COVID-19 patients.

