The doctor named people predisposed to a new symptom of coronavirus

The immunologist explained that smokers are predisposed to the symptom of “covid fingers” a new symptom of human coronavirus. Her words are conveyed by RBC.

The symptom of “covid fingers”, or “false frostbite”, is a neurological symptom in which the patient's tips of fingers and toes turn red and swell, they are also covered with vesicles and abscesses. The picture as a whole resembles a state of frostbite, but does not bring discomfort to people.

According to Skorpileva, this symptom is more common in people with vascular pathology. In addition, smokers are predisposed to it.

“There may be tingling of the fingers, numbness, so-called paresthesia. (…) In general, skin manifestations (with coronavirus infection) are already well known. It is also well known about a rash as one of the symptoms of covid, “the expert explained.

Earlier, dermatologist Stanislav Arkannikov revealed the effects of coronavirus on the skin. He noted that she is a “mirror of the body.” According to Arkannikov, the skin suffers greatly from COVID-19.

