Sevastopol announced readiness to host Lukashenka

Governor of Sevastopol Razvozzhaev: the city always welcomes the President of Belarus

this was stated by the governor of the city Mikhail Razvozhaev, TASS reports.

This week, during a meeting via video link of the Supreme State Council of the Union State, Lukashenko told Russian President Vladimir Putin that he had not invited him to Sevastopol on the occasion of National Unity Day. The Russian leader stressed in response that he would always be glad to have such a visit. Press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov later explained that Lukashenka has a valid invitation to visit Crimea.

State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin previously stressed that the presidents of Russia and Belarus are doing everything possible to make decisions that are breakthrough character, the citizens of both countries won.

On November 4, a meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State took place. Putin and Lukashenko approved 28 union programs, which were agreed upon during negotiations in the Kremlin in September – they are aimed at unifying the legislation of Russia and Belarus in various spheres of the economy, economy and transport. In addition, the updated Military Doctrine and the Concept of Migration Policy were approved.

