Gref listed the most important modern technologies

Gref called artificial intelligence, 6G and unmanned vehicles the most important technologies

The most important technologies for Russia now are artificial intelligence, quantum computing generation of 6G mobile communications and unmanned vehicles. Such technologies were listed by the head of Sberbank German Gref, his words are reported by RIA Novosti.

“First, artificial intelligence. This technology helps Sber to earn more than 140 billion rubles in net profit annually, “Gref explained.

In second place, in his opinion, are quantum computing, which helps to solve the problems of financial and non-financial business. The third important technology Gref considers 6G, which will allow transferring any amount of data, as well as abandoning wire communication.

“Sberbank has also developed a prototype of an unmanned electric vehicle of the future FLIP, which we are now testing on closed sites,” said the head Sberbank. He added that all the technologies that Russia needs for a successful “green” energy transition are also becoming relevant today.

Earlier, Gref named a way to overcome poverty. During a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, he said that the Sberbank and the Russian government are already working on creating a social treasury, which will become the prototype of targeted payments to specific people.

