QR codes system extended in two Russian regions

In Kamchatka and Transbaikalia, the QR code system was extended due to the situation with COVID-19

In two Russian regions – by In Kamchatka and in Transbaikalia, the QR code system was extended due to COVID-19, RIA Novosti writes.

So, in Kamchatka, the QR code system began operating on October 30 for catering, sports and culture establishments. From November 23, it will apply to intraregional transportation by air and bus transport.

“Due to the difficult epidemiological situation with the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the operational headquarters decided to extend the operation of the system,” the press service of the Kamchatka government said. edges.

The system will work until the end of November. Also, the ban on checking into hotels without documents confirming the passage of vaccination or medical removal will be extended. In addition, from November 7, the authorities will ban the operation of children's playrooms in shopping centers.

At the same time, shopping centers and catering facilities in Transbaikalia will resume work from November 8 using the QR code system. “The exception is shopping centers, whose area is 50 percent or more occupied by food,” the press service of the region reported.

Visitors will present QR codes. Russian minors will not be able to enter cafes and shopping centers until November 12. They are also prohibited from visiting theaters, concert organizations, cinemas, attractions, circuses, museums, zoos.

Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov clarified the issue of introducing QR codes on public transport. According to him, such measures are the prerogative of local authorities. This also applies to the introduction of digital passes at airports and railway stations, Peskov explained.

