Putin raised the age of youth

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on youth policy, which, in particular, involves raising the age of Russian youth. The document was published on the portal of legal information on Wednesday, December 30.

Now the youth in Russia is considered to be people aged 14 to 35 years. Also, the law enshrines such concepts as “young family”, “youth policy”, “youth public association” and “young specialist.”

Support for youth initiatives and young families, as well as assistance interregional and international cooperation in the field of youth policy, and so on.

Members of the working group of the State Council in the direction of “Youth Policy” began work on the document with the participation of members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma in 2019. First, the document was finalized taking into account the proposals received from the regions, and then it was discussed in committees with the participation of experts. The authors of the bill believe that the initiative will expand the opportunities for young people to use such measures of state support, such as receiving a grant based on the results of a competition for youth projects.

Within the framework of the national project “Demography” in Russia until 2030, it is planned to allocate billions rubles to increase the birth rate and improve the demographic situation. The goals of the national project are also to reduce the mortality rate of the population, as well as to provide additional education for citizens of pre-retirement age and increase the level of accessibility of preschool education.

