New details of the stampede at rapper Travis Scott's concert revealed

American rapper Travis Scott continued to sing while doctors rescued a 10-year-old boy

American rapper Travis Scott at the Travis Scott Music Festival Astroworld in Texas continued to perform while its fans, who suffered from the crush, died, reports ABC13.

The publication revealed new details: the musician did not interrupt his performance while doctors rescued a 10-year-old boy. Doctors quickly ran up to the teenager, but they failed to reanimate him. The singer did not react, and when the second fan needed help. He felt bad, the doctors began to carry the patient out of the room. The artist stopped the concert only after it became known about dozens of victims.

The crush occurred on Friday, at about 21:00. It lasted half an hour, during which time more than 300 people were injured. Eight of the rapper's fans have died from their injuries. They were between 14 and 27 years old.

Earlier, Scott said that he was cooperating with the police in the investigation of the tragedy and thanked law enforcement officers for their immediate response and assistance.

