Russian who collected “dossier” on Trump released on bail

A US court released Russian analyst Igor Danchenko on $ 100,000 bail the guards of Russian analyst Igor Danchenko, accused of providing false information to the FBI. It is reported by Politico.

This decision was announced by Justice of the Peace Teresa Buchanan. It is clarified that a bail of $ 100 thousand was assigned for the release of the Russian.

Restrictive conditions

Initially, prosecutors proposed to oblige Danchenko to wear an electronic bracelet tracking his whereabouts. However, due to the lack of devices available, the judge was forced to abandon this requirement. At the same time, the Russian was obliged to hand over his passport within 24 hours.

In addition, Danchenko was ordered to refrain from any contact with possible witnesses in the case of the alleged ties of ex-US President Donald Trump with Russia. He is also prohibited from leaving Washington, CBS correspondent Katherine Harridge said on her Twitter account.

Perjury charge

According to the investigation, Danchenko helped ex-British intelligence officer Christopher Steele compile a “dossier” with deliberately false allegations of Trump's collusion with Russia during the election campaign. It is noted that the versions he presented “formed the basis of accusations” against the former American leader. In addition, the Russian analyst allegedly passed information on to a certain person who held leading positions in the structures of the Democratic Party. The name of this person is not named.

At the same time, according to the US Department of Justice, in the period from June to November 2017, Danchenko allegedly reported incorrect information to the FBI five times, clarifying information about the sources of the information he received. The Russian is accused of giving false testimony to the FBI: according to the investigation, he “falsely stated that he never contacted a specific person in the United States who for a long time participated in the policy of the Democratic Party” on issues of the “dossier” on Trump.

As the newspaper notes, Danchenko has been charged on five counts.

Danchenko faces up to 5 years in prison on each of the five counts of the charges The prosecution argued that back in 2016, the politician asked the Kremlin to find and disclose the content of the email of Hillary Clinton, who was his opponent.

Another reason for the investigation was the “Russian dossier” on Trump, compiled by the former scout Christopher Steele. It argued that Russia could blackmail the US president-elect. We are talking about a series of documents published five years ago: they provided evidence according to which Russia allegedly interfered in the American elections in 2016 and “staked” on Trump, and also helped him win. Later, a federal court in Washington ruled that the president's relationship with the Kremlin was also not proven.



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