“We & nbsp; most urgently at all levels demand unconditional return & nbsp; and, of course, we & nbsp compensation for those losses ; incurred & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Koshelev's words from an & nbsp; RTVI interview were quoted in & nbsp; RIA Novosti.
In total, the US confiscated six objects.
“ We & nbsp; do not & nbsp; have access, we & nbsp; cannot & nbsp; , in & nbsp; what is the state of engineering communications, not & nbsp; we can say in & nbsp; what state the material values left there are. I can assure you that & nbsp; is many tens, and & nbsp; is & nbsp; and & nbsp; hundreds of thousands of dollars & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he.
Peskov reminded Biden about the fires in the United States in response to the phrase about the burning tundra
Koshelev also said that & nbsp; the Russian embassy for & nbsp; over the past years, approximately 470 times addressed the State Department with & nbsp; a request for permission to visit these facilities, take an inventory and & nbsp; inspect the state of structures and & nbsp; buildings. The American side each time responded with a refusal.
He also added that the & nbsp; responsibility for maintaining the buildings in & nbsp; normal condition rests with the embassy. This means that & nbsp; if any accident happens, and & nbsp; the building or neighboring facilities are damaged, then & nbsp; claims will be made to the Russian side.
“ Even if we & nbsp; agree and & nbsp; return such objects to us, it will be very serious and & nbsp; very big problem to bring them & nbsp; to & nbsp; normal state & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; summed up the counselor-messenger.