This will change the entire international diplomacy: the media’s response to the Putin’s conversation with trump

Telephone conversation of presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump has become the most discussed event on both sides of the ocean. So, in the Russian Parliament considered that the development of relations between the two countries, returned the meaning that has been lost under the previous administration of the White house. It also noted that the topics that were discussed by the presidents, give an understanding that Moscow and Washington are ready to move towards equal cooperation rather than competition.


Similar statements are made abroad. For example, in the publication of the Financial Times published an article, which the authors believe that trump and Putin advocate for improved Russian-American relations. To the same opinion come and journalists from Reuters: the fight against terrorism, they believe, the United States and Russia can present a United front.


“This may indicate a serious change in policy, because at the moment the cooperation is largely limited to coordination of action to ensure the safe operation of aircraft of the two countries and reduce the risk of accidental collisions to a minimum”, – stated in the publication of the Agency.


In General, in the American press, the tone of the conversation called “business” and “positive.” Even the TV channel CNN that the entire campaign was called Donald trump it as “not our guy”, this time changed the mood. Reports from Moscow the TV channel’s correspondent Matthew chance has recognized that if our countries cooperate, it will completely change international diplomacy.

Photo: Pete Marovich/ Globallookpress

