The media reported the opposition of the Syrian authorities with a number of points of the new Constitution

Bashar Al-Assad

The Syrian authorities rejected several points in the draft Constitution prepared by Moscow. On Friday, January 27, according to Al Hayat.

In particular, in Damascus did not agree with the transfer of legislative functions from the President to the Parliament and government. In addition, the Syrian authorities oppose the creation of a new authority — the Assembly of regions of Syria.

As the newspaper notes, the amendments proposed by the Syrian government, has already sent to Moscow.

On 24 January, the Russian delegation at the talks in Astana were handed over to representatives of the armed Syrian opposition proposals for amendments to the Constitution of Syria.

Two days later, the media reported that the draft of the basic law, Russia’s draft includes a provision on establishment in Syria of a Kurdish autonomy. In addition, it is proposed to remove from the name of the country the word “Arab”, leaving the name of the Syrian Republic, and the deletion of the point about the primacy of Sharia law and to abolish the right to re-elect the President for a second seven-year term.

Currently, Syria has a Constitution, adopted in 2012.

