US military abandoned aircraft carrier in Mediterranean over Ukraine

According to the agency, this happened “ against the & nbsp; background of concerns about & nbsp; about the accumulation of thousands of Russian military at & nbsp; the border with & nbsp; ;.

The aircraft carrier in & nbsp; as part of a strike group of & nbsp; five ships of the US Navy was supposed to go to the & nbsp; Middle East, however, according to a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense, plans have changed. “ This is necessary to & nbsp; in order to reassure US allies and & nbsp; partners in the & nbsp; region & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the interlocutor of the agency.

The information is confirmed by the publication USNI News. The Pentagon spokesman said that & nbsp; the carrier group will remain in the Ionian Sea between Greece and & nbsp; Italy, instead of heading to the & nbsp; area of ​​operation of the US Central Command via the & nbsp; Suez Canal.

According to the & nbsp; interlocutor of the publication, such the decision should “ convince European allies of the & nbsp; US commitment to regional security. ''

In addition to the aircraft carrier Harry & nbsp; S. Truman, & nbsp; the group includes the missile cruiser San Jacinto, the destroyers USS Bainbridge, USS Cole, USS Gravely, USS Jason Dunham, and & nbsp; also the Norwegian frigate Fridtjof.

In the fall, Western media, including Politico, Bild, Washington Post and & nbsp; others began to publish information about the impending “ invasion '' Russia to & nbsp; Ukraine. During the online summit of the Presidents of Russia and & nbsp; Vladimir Putin and & nbsp; Joe Biden, the latter announced the & nbsp; threatening nature of the movement of Russian troops near & nbsp; Ukrainian borders.

The & nbsp; Kremlin repeatedly emphasized that & nbsp; Russia does not & nbsp; 'aggressive plans' on & nbsp; in relation to & nbsp; other countries, and & nbsp; movement of troops within & nbsp; borders & nbsp; & mdash; this is an internal matter. Simultaneously with & nbsp; this they drew attention to & nbsp; increased NATO activity near & nbsp; Russian borders. Despite & nbsp; this, the leaders of Western countries began to warn Russia about & nbsp; sanctions.



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