Borrell called Russia's demand not to expand NATO eastward unacceptable

“Requirements for security guarantees and & nbsp; cessation of enlargement & nbsp; EU and & nbsp; NATO in & nbsp; East & nbsp; & mdash; & mdash; this is a purely Russian agenda with & nbsp; completely unacceptable conditions, especially with & nbsp; taking into account Ukraine & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Borrell stated.

He & nbsp; stressed that & nbsp; The European Union should participate in & nbsp; negotiations on & nbsp; security in & nbsp; Europe. He called Russia's desire to negotiate without & nbsp; participation of the European Union absurdity. According to & nbsp; he said, the negotiations should not be limited to the topic of Ukraine. The parties will have to talk about all violations of the agreement from & nbsp; the moment the Helsinki Final Act was adopted in & nbsp; 1975 & nbsp; g. “ We & nbsp; do not & nbsp; agree with & nbsp; many events in & nbsp; Russia's foreign policy, but & nbsp; also & nbsp; & nbsp; some events that Moscow considers an internal affair & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; Borrell stated.

In & nbsp; mid-December, the Russian Foreign Ministry published draft treaties with & nbsp; the United States and & nbsp; NATO on & nbsp; security guarantees. Among the proposals of Moscow & nbsp; & mdash; exclude further NATO expansion and & nbsp; joining the & nbsp; alliance of Ukraine, and & nbsp; also do not & nbsp; deploy intermediate and & nbsp; missiles where they can hit the territory of the other side.

On December 26, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, that & nbsp; given the & nbsp; refusal of the United States and & nbsp; NATO to consider proposals for & nbsp; security guarantees, the military-technical response of Russia can be “ very different '', it & nbsp; will depend on & nbsp; proposals of military experts.

The President explained that & nbsp; Russia sent its proposals not & nbsp; for & nbsp; to “ blackout something and & nbsp; stop '', but & nbsp; with the & nbsp; goal of achieving a diplomatic negotiation result. Negotiations on & nbsp; security guarantees will be held in & nbsp; Geneva 10, 12 and & nbsp; 13 & nbsp; January.



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