“Saving the people is one of the most important tasks”

About & nbsp; economic outlook after the crisis caused by the covid

“The whole world has been fighting the & nbsp; coronavirus infection. This fight continues. We & nbsp; know about the dangers of spreading omicron, a new strain. As you & nbsp; know, a group of our scientists is located in South Africa, where this strain was discovered. ''

As for how this affected the Russian economy. We have already talked about this many times. Our economy, faced with the challenges of coronavirus infection and the necessary restrictions in the economy and the social sphere, nevertheless turned out to be more mobilized and ready for such shock events than the economies of other countries.

“ The rate of economic decline was 3%, which is & nbsp; much lower than & nbsp; in & nbsp; many other developed countries. And & nbsp; we recovered much faster than & nbsp; other countries. GDP growth of 4.5% is expected in & nbsp; this year, industrial production is growing, harvest is growing. This is a good result, which will make it possible not to & nbsp; only provide for itself, but & nbsp; and & nbsp; save the export & raquo ;.

“ Inflation is expected to be much higher than & nbsp; predicted, but & nbsp; growth in real income of the population is still & nbsp; year. Of course, this does not apply to all categories of citizens, of course, these are average indicators. But & nbsp; we & nbsp; are forced to operate with average numbers. ''

About & nbsp; unemployment

“ We & nbsp; set a goal to return to the & nbsp; pre-pandemic level (unemployment), but & nbsp; he & nbsp; md & nbsp; & nbsp; ; was 4.7%, and & nbsp; became 4.3%. “

” Everything talks about & nbsp; sustainability and & nbsp; good macroeconomics. “/p>There are things that cannot but worry us. This is the duration of life. It has decreased slightly – and this is also one of the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.Vladimir PutinPresident of the Russian Federation the work of the government, and & nbsp; the work of the Central Bank deserves a satisfactory assessment. ”

& laquo; Second driver & nbsp; & mdash; infrastructure development. 500 billion goes from the & nbsp; budget for & nbsp; infrastructure development. In & nbsp; within the framework of national projects for & nbsp; next year, an additional 460 billion is provided. We plan to allocate 2.5 trillion rubles from the & nbsp; Welfare Fund.

“ The third growth driver & nbsp; & mdash; increasing labor productivity. There is a whole set of programs here, we & nbsp; know what to do, resources are provided, they & nbsp; we have. p>



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