The State Duma canceled the mandatory inspection

Vehicle inspection remains mandatory for & nbsp; taxis, buses and & nbsp; trucks. Also, it & nbsp; according to & nbsp; will be valid for & nbsp; cars or motorcycles over four years old in & nbsp; cases of their & nbsp; registration, change of owner, change of design or replacement of the main units of a car or motorcycle over four years old.

“ We are talking about & nbsp; 50 & nbsp; million vehicles. For & nbsp; participating in & nbsp; transportation of buses, trucks and & nbsp; taxis, nothing & nbsp; will change & nbsp; & mdash; for the & nbsp; purposes of the safety of passengers and & nbsp; other road users, they, like & nbsp; before, will be required to undergo an inspection. This procedure will also remain & nbsp; in & nbsp; with respect to cars and & nbsp; motorcycles over four years old when & nbsp; their & nbsp; sale and & nbsp; registration & raquo; & nbsp; & mdash; Earlier, State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin noted.

Among other things, several amendments were made to the bill for the second reading.

According to the document, mandatory technical inspection is canceled “ except for cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, acts of the Eurasian Economic Union '', and & nbsp ; also in the & nbsp; case of making changes to the & nbsp; vehicle design.

In & nbsp; in accordance with & nbsp; another amendment, the inspection is excluded at the & nbsp; request of the traffic police in & nbsp; if the driver has a diagnostic card. An exception can be made in the & nbsp; case of an obvious technical malfunction of a vehicle that threatens road safety.

Recall that in June, the State Duma adopted a bill exempting car owners from & nbsp; the need to provide a document on & nbsp; & mdash; diagnostic card (DK).



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