Federation Council approved the law on the organization of regional power

For & nbsp; 146 senators voted for & nbsp;, four opposed, and did not abstain.

As noted Andriy Klishas, ​​the head of the Federation Council on constitutional legislation, in the & nbsp; law, many things are described in detail and & nbsp; that were previously [indicated] only in large strokes. ''

revision of the document, and it complies with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The law stipulates that & nbsp; federal authorities, regional authorities and & nbsp; local authorities & nbsp; their & nbsp; aggregates are included in the & nbsp; unified system of public power & raquo;, their & nbsp; coordinated functioning and & nbsp; interaction is provided by the President & nbsp; RF.

The document contains a complete list of the powers of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the changes of which will be agreed with the State Council, only after that it will be possible to amend the law. With & nbsp; this is not & nbsp; allowed to transfer the powers of municipalities to the & nbsp; level of regional authorities in the & nbsp; sphere of municipal property management, formation, approval and & nbsp; execution of the local budget. Income from the & nbsp; use of the property of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, its unitary enterprises and & nbsp; funds from the & nbsp; sale of this property go to the & nbsp; regional budget. Exceptions will be income from & nbsp; transferred to & nbsp; property of budgetary and & nbsp; autonomous institutions.

The law also includes provisions on & nbsp; the so-called matryoshka regions, when one subject of & nbsp; RF is part of another. It is envisaged that the incomes of the autonomous districts will be credited to the & nbsp; budget of the region.

About the & nbsp; heads of the subjects of & nbsp; RF

According to the law, the head of a constituent entity of the & nbsp; RF is elected by citizens directly or by deputies of a regional legislative assembly for & nbsp; five years (now the term of office is determined by the region, but & nbsp; not & nbsp; may exceed five years).

This removes the ban for the top official of the region to replace this positions for more than two consecutive terms, as provided by applicable law.

With regard to candidates for the & nbsp; top post in the & nbsp; region, the restrictions provided for by the constitution are applied, including a ban on & nbsp; foreign citizenship. You can only take this post after & nbsp; reaching 30 years of age.

The State Duma adopted a law on the organization of public power in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

The law contains a provision on the & nbsp; & quot; municipal filter & quot; for & nbsp; candidates from & nbsp; parties or self-nominated candidates for the & nbsp; post of the head of the region, their & nbsp; nomination should be supported by from & nbsp; 5% to & nbsp; 10% of municipal deputies and & nbsp; heads of municipalities. Self-nominated candidates will also need to collect signatures of voters in the & nbsp; quantity, which is determined by the subject of the & nbsp; RF.

In the & nbsp; case of indirect elections of the head of the region, candidates for the & nbsp; Legislative Assembly are nominated by the President of the & nbsp; RF on & nbsp; proposals of political parties represented in the & nbsp; parliament of the subject ; RF or in the State Duma.

The head of the region forms the structure of power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, its government, determines the main directions of activity. He & nbsp; can be removed from the & nbsp; position by the President & nbsp; RF in & nbsp; connection with & nbsp; loss of confidence on & nbsp; any grounds or & nbsp; & nbsp; expression of no confidence in him by the Legislative Assembly.

The law establishes the name of the position of the highest official common for all regions of the country – “Head of the subject of the Russian Federation”, while the constitution or charter of the region may provide for an additional name for this position, but with one exception – it is prohibited to use the word “president”.

The supreme executive authority of the subject of the & nbsp; RF may not be called & nbsp; only & quot; government & quot;, but & nbsp; and & nbsp; have a different name, based on & nbsp; historical and & nbsp; national traditions.

Provisions on & nbsp; Legislative Assemblies

< p>The law also establishes a list of powers of regional legislative assemblies. The term of office of deputies of one convocation is five years & nbsp; & mdash; from & nbsp; the day of election and & nbsp; to & nbsp; the day of the start of the new convocation. The law of the subject of & nbsp; RF may provide for the number of deputies elected by & nbsp; party lists. Cases are indicated under which the head of the region will be able to dissolve the parliament.

The parliament of Tatarstan opposed the renaming of the president of the republic

the term for the regional legislative assembly to provide a response to & nbsp; draft federal laws of joint jurisdiction, this period can be reduced to & nbsp; 15 days in & nbsp; cases defined in the & nbsp; regulations of the State Duma.

The law of the subject of & nbsp; RF may provide for a procedure for remote participation of deputies in & nbsp; meetings. In addition, senators from the & nbsp; region and & nbsp; deputies elected from & nbsp; him to the State Duma both by & nbsp; party lists and & nbsp; & nbsp; single-mandate constituencies, will be able to participate and & nbsp; speak at & nbsp; meetings & nbsp; Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The law on & nbsp; regional power is to come into effect & nbsp; June 1 & nbsp; & nbsp; June 1, 2022, with the & nbsp; exception of some of its provisions.

