Negotiations on a nuclear deal with Iran are close to failure. It could threaten the Middle East with war

In the & nbsp; Austrian capital is the seventh stage of negotiations in & nbsp; format & laquo; 4 + 1 & raquo; with & nbsp; participation of the USA, Britain, France and & nbsp; Germany with & nbsp; one side and & nbsp; Iran & nbsp; & mdash; with & nbsp; another.

In this round, Iran reportedly abandoned all the compromises that were reached in the previous six.

A nuclear deal, which effectively & nbsp; deprives Iran of the ability to develop its own nuclear program in & nbsp; exchange for & nbsp; the lifting of economic sanctions was concluded between Washington and & nbsp; Tehran in & nbsp; 2015 during the & nbsp; Barack Obama administration. The next head of the White House, Donald Trump, pulled the United States out of & nbsp; this agreement, and & nbsp; new President Joe Biden initiated a return to & nbsp; negotiations.

However, the British, French and & nbsp; German delegations now in & nbsp; Vienna believe that & nbsp; the time for & nbsp; renewal of the agreement is almost gone. In addition to discussing its new conditions, it is necessary to revise the old ones, given the leap in the & nbsp; development of its nuclear program made by Iran during & nbsp; then & nbsp; while the deal was frozen, and & nbsp; this requires a different format.

Representatives of Tehran, for their part , state that the Western partners are behaving in an unconstructive manner, choosing an accusatory tone towards Iran.

“Some of the participants will never & nbsp; give up their habit of pointing fingers [at & nbsp; us] instead of engaging in real diplomacy,” & nbsp; & mdash; wrote on & nbsp; his Twitter The head of the Iranian delegation, Ali Bagheri Kani.

He & nbsp; stressed that & nbsp; Tehran & nbsp; has long outlined its conditions to the West and & nbsp; is doing everything possible to & nbsp; overcome differences.

Diplomacy is a two-way street. If there is a real desire to correct any mistakes, then the path to a profitable deal will be quickly found. Ali Bagheri Kanizam Iranian Foreign Minister

The stakes are high

Indirect negotiations between Iran and the & nbsp; USA started back in & nbsp; April this year, but & nbsp; in & nbsp; the end of the summer, after the election of Ibrahim Raisi President of Iran, were postponed.

Raisi is known for his tough stance in & nbsp; against the West, and & nbsp; considers Western economic sanctions against Iran to be a boon for & nbsp; his country, as he sees in & nbsp; them an opportunity for & nbsp; modernization and & nbsp; development of its own economy.

Only in & nbsp; At the end of 2021, Iran agreed to return to & nbsp; the negotiating table, but & nbsp; came to & nbsp; Vienna with & nbsp; a list of tough conditions and & nbsp; uncompromising position on & nbsp; many issues.

In & nbsp; in particular, Tehran insists that the terms of the new agreement ( if achieved) have been implemented by all subsequent administrations of the White House. Given the peculiarities of the American political system, this condition is absolutely impossible.

The stakes are high in Vienna, analysts say. The failure of the talks could turn into a new round of conflict in the Middle East.

Israel, which & nbsp; and & nbsp; and & nbsp; never counts on a diplomatic settlement, will & nbsp; sit idly by.

Chapter The CIA admitted that it turned gray because of Moscow and Iran

Israel sees the & nbsp; Iranian nuclear program as a direct threat to its security and & nbsp; will try to enlist the support of the United Arab Emirates and & nbsp; Saudi Arabia. Both of these countries are in & nbsp; a state of enmity with & nbsp; Iran, and & nbsp; with & nbsp; Israel & nbsp; & mdash; on the contrary, there was a rapprochement.

In & nbsp; September 2020, with the mediation of Donald Trump, the UAE and & nbsp; Israel signed a peace agreement, and & nbsp; this fall, the Saudis and & nbsp; Israelis opened airspace for each other.


The day before, the first historic meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Benet and the Crown Prince of the United Arab Emirates Muhammad bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan took place in Abu Dhabi.

According to analysts, although the topic of Iran did not appear in the official minutes of the meeting of the two leaders, they certainly discussed this issue.

A final warning?

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who is on a & nbsp; visit to & nbsp; Indonesia, said that & nbsp; in the & nbsp; case of a failure in & nbsp; & nbsp; Washington, & nbsp; Washington has several alternatives in & nbsp; stock.

“Until now, we are & nbsp;” we followed the & nbsp; path of diplomacy, because & nbsp; is the best option, but & nbsp; we & nbsp; actively interact with & nbsp; allies in & nbsp; elaboration of alternatives & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he.

According to Blinken & nbsp; Iran is present at the & nbsp; negotiations, but & nbsp; does not & nbsp; participate in & nbsp; them for real, but & nbsp; time for & nbsp; resuscitation of the agreement expires quickly.

If in In the very near future, a real breakthrough will not occur, the agreement on Iran can be considered a dummy. Anthony Blinken, US Secretary of State

Earlier, US President Joe Biden mentioned & nbsp; about some possible additional measures in & nbsp; regarding Iran, without & nbsp; explaining, however, in & nbsp; than & nbsp; than & nbsp; ; their & nbsp; essence.

British Foreign Minister Elizabeth Truss warned the Iranian delegation that & nbsp; they had the last chance to sit down at the & nbsp; negotiating table with & nbsp; constructive and & nbsp; realistic proposals.

