NATO does not intend to compromise with Russia on Kiev's right to join the alliance

“ We & nbsp; are ready to sit with & nbsp; Russia at the & nbsp; negotiating table, but & nbsp; we & nbsp; are & nbsp; ready to sacrifice the right of countries to join the & nbsp; alliance. We & nbsp; will never & nbsp; agree with & nbsp; a system where & nbsp; large countries like Russia have spheres of their own interests so that they can control or decide what & nbsp; small countries can do & nbsp; & nbsp; & mdash; said Stoltenberg, answering the & nbsp; question, is the alliance ready & nbsp; to abandon the & nbsp; promise & nbsp; with & nbsp; time to accept & raquo; Ukraine and & nbsp; Georgia, which NATO leaders gave Kiev and & nbsp; Tbilisi at & nbsp; summit in & nbsp; Bucharest in & nbsp; 2008.

The Secretary General emphasized that & nbsp; the question of & nbsp; membership of Ukraine and & nbsp; Georgia in & nbsp; NATO can only be resolved these states and & nbsp; countries of the alliance, and & nbsp; Russia does not & nbsp; have any veto power in & nbsp; this case.

Appeal of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Earlier on & nbsp; Friday, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on & nbsp; dialogue with the US and & nbsp; other Western countries. According to this document, Russia insists on the & nbsp; elaboration in & nbsp; a specific period of time of serious long-term legal guarantees of security with & nbsp; NATO countries.

alliance and no one should interfere in this process.

In this regard, the Russian Foreign Ministry recalled that, in addition to the Washington Treaty, NATO countries have commitments in & nbsp; regarding the indivisibility of security in the & nbsp; Euro-Atlantic, & nbsp; the entire OSCE space.

“ However, in & nbsp; violation of the principle of indivisibility of security, as in & nbsp; in & nbsp; violation of promises made to the Soviet leadership, all these years NATO has consistently moved to the & nbsp; East, ignoring Moscow's concerns, and each time NATO replenishment added to this block of energetic anti-Russian & nbsp; & mdash; the statement says.

Russia has long drawn attention to the inadmissibility of such a development of events, the ministry recalled.

“ Over the past decades, it has repeatedly been proposed to agree on & nbsp; giving the principle of equal and & nbsp; indivisible security in the & nbsp; Euro-Atlantic space of a legally binding nature, since the West is clearly not & nbsp; disposed to fulfill the above-mentioned political obligations. However, we were invariably rejected & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; emphasized in the & nbsp; Ministry of Foreign Affairs & nbsp; RF.

“ In the & nbsp; fundamental interests of European security, it is necessary to officially disavow the decision of the 2008 NATO Bucharest summit on & nbsp; & nbsp; & ldquo; Ukraine and & nbsp; Georgia will become NATO members '', as contradicting the commitment of the leaders of all states & nbsp; & mdash; OSCE participants & ldquo; do not & nbsp; strengthen their security at & nbsp; expense of the security of others & rdquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; informed the & nbsp; ministry.

