Japan condemned the initiative on the tax regime in the Kuril Islands

“ A bill providing for the introduction of special tax incentives with & nbsp; the purpose of the development of the region, in & nbsp; including the Northern Territories (as Japan calls the southern Kuril Islands & nbsp; & mdash; ed.), and & nbsp; also inviting Japanese and & nbsp; other foreign companies to & nbsp; in & nbsp; this economic development contradicts Japan's position on the & nbsp; Northern Territories, and & nbsp; also on joint economic activities, which was discussed between the leaders of the two countries. Japan's position has been repeatedly voiced to the Russian side and & nbsp; is & nbsp; implementation of joint economic activities without & nbsp; damage to the political position of both countries. We & nbsp; intend to continue to build a constructive dialogue with & nbsp; Russia on & nbsp; this issue & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the minister at a & nbsp; press conference.

At the & nbsp; end of November, the government of the & nbsp; RF submitted to the State Duma a bill on & nbsp; granting tax incentives to new organizations registered on the & nbsp; Kuril Islands. The document provides for the provision of tax benefits to organizations registered in the & nbsp; territory of the Kuril Islands after January 1 & nbsp; 2022, subject to certain conditions. Such organizations & nbsp; for 20 years from & nbsp; the moment of registration on the & nbsp; Kuril Islands will not & nbsp; be recognized as payers of taxes on & nbsp; profit and & nbsp; property, land and & nbsp; transport taxes, and & nbsp; they will also be able to apply reduced rates of insurance premiums in the & nbsp; 6%.

Trutnev called it impossible to lease the Kuril island


In addition, the bill establishes the possibility of applying the customs procedure of the free customs zone on the & nbsp; territory of the Kuril Islands.

Relations between Russia and & nbsp; Japan have been overshadowed by the absence of a peace treaty for many years. In & nbsp; 1956, the USSR and & nbsp; Japan signed a Joint Declaration, in which Moscow agreed to consider the possibility of transferring Habomai and & nbsp; Shikotan to Japan after the conclusion of a peace treaty, and & nbsp; the fate of Kunashir and & nbsp; Iturup was not touched upon. The USSR hoped that & nbsp; The Joint Declaration would put an end to the & nbsp; dispute, Japan & nbsp; and & nbsp; considered the document only part of the solution to the problem, not & nbsp; renouncing & nbsp; claims to & nbsp; all the islands.

Subsequent negotiations didn & nbsp; to & nbsp; nothing & nbsp; nothing & nbsp; ; led, the peace treaty at & nbsp; the end of World War II and & nbsp; not & nbsp; was signed. Serious opposition arose from the & nbsp; US side, which threatened that & nbsp; if Japan agrees to & nbsp; transfer to it & nbsp; only two of & nbsp; four islands, this will affect & nbsp; the process of returning Okinawa to Japanese sovereignty (Agreement on & nbsp; the return of Okinawa to Japan came into force & nbsp; ; 1972). Moscow's position is & nbsp; the & nbsp; islands were included in the & nbsp; composition of the USSR according to & nbsp; the results of the Second World War and & nbsp; & nbsp; the sovereignty of the Russian Federation over & nbsp; they & nbsp; is not subject to doubt.

