Infectionist named alternative to medical mask to protect against COVID-19

Infectionist Timakov: intranasal drops will be able to replace the mask at a New Year's corporate party , who is going to the New Year's corporate party, told RIA Novosti infectious disease doctor Evgeny Timakov. According to him, such drops form a biofilm on the nasal mucosa, which prevents the spread of the virus.

“Since we are unlikely to wear a mask at a corporate event, we can create the effect of its presence. There are various preparations that moisturize and envelop the nasal mucosa, which create a certain biofilm so that the virus does not spread in it, ”Timakov explained.

The doctor emphasized that the most important thing is to prevent the mucous membrane from drying out. Moisturizing or intranasal drops should be used before a corporate party, then, upon returning home, rinse your nose with physiological and saline solutions, and then drip the drops.

The infectious disease specialist also noted that during the festivities, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the hands. According to the specialist, this will help to reduce the amount of the virus entering the body.

“If you feel a runny nose, malaise, sore throat or any incomprehensible symptoms of fatigue, then you do not need to go to a corporate party and infect others, because that not all people are now immune to coronavirus, and it is unlikely that everyone will be vaccinated at the festive evening, ”Timakov emphasized.

In turn, epidemiologist Anastasia Pakulaeva recalled that she would completely protect herself from COVID. 19 at a New Year's corporate party is impossible. She advised adhering to the rules of personal hygiene, using antiseptic agents, not forgetting about personal protective equipment and choosing rooms with equipment for air disinfection for events.

Earlier it became known that most Russian doctors do not think that soon the incidence of coronavirus will decrease significantly. Thus, 42 percent of doctors said that they expect a slight increase, and 29 percent – a significant increase.



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