Putin spoke about the work of the law on foreign agents

President Putin: the law on foreign agents should not violate the rights of citizens this does not violate the rights of citizens. This is how Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about his work, RIA Novosti reports. The head of state discussed the relevant law with the head of the Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilova. “I know your position, which is to carefully look, analyze the practice of applying this law, and make certain adjustments there. I know about this, “the Russian leader noted during the conversation. He also stressed that he shares Pamfilova's opinion on the need to amend the law in order to make it more” effective and targeted. ” > At the end of December 2020, Putin signed a law regulating the activities of individuals and organizations recognized by foreign agents who are engaged in political activities in Russia with foreign funds. The bill provides for mandatory labeling

Radio Liberty – Belarus materials were declared extremist in Belarus

Viasna: Materials from Radio Liberty – Belarus recognized as extremist in Belarus Materials from Internet channels Radio Liberty – Belarus (included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent) was recognized as extremist in Belarus. The human rights center Viasna, unregistered in the Republic of Belarus, reports this on its Telegram channel. “The products of the Telegram channel and social networks, as well as YouTube Radio Liberty – Belarus, have been recognized as extremist,” post “Spring”. As RIA Novosti clarified in its Telegram, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus warned that subscription to the Radio Liberty – Belarus channel is punishable by law. On November 19 it became known that Roskomnadzor drew up a protocol against Radio Liberty for publishing of the article “Senseless and merciless. Why did Stalin issue Order No. 270. ”

The State Duma allowed the supply of weapons to the republics of Donbass in the event of an aggravation

State Duma Deputy Kalashnikov: in case of aggravation in the DPR and LPR, the Russian Federation can help them with weapons and the Luhansk (LPR) People's Republics, Russia will provide them with assistance in a form adequate to the situation. This was stated by Leonid Kalashnikov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots, Interfax reports on Friday, December 3. etc., then Russia will probably supply something to protect people to the other side, “he admitted. The deputy pointed out that this is his own assumption, noting that,“ probably this is how it will look “. In turn, Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev said that Moscow is ready for military provocations of Kiev, which he can undertake under the cover of Western states. Previously, Minister of Defense of Ukraine Alexei Reznikov named the expected timing of the start of the

Radio Liberty – Belarus materials were declared extremist in Belarus

“Viasna”: Materials from Radio Liberty – Belarus recognized as extremist in Belarus Materials from Internet channels Radio Liberty – Belarus (included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent) was recognized as extremist in Belarus. The human rights center Viasna, unregistered in the Republic of Belarus, reports this on its Telegram channel. “The products of the Telegram channel and social networks, as well as YouTube Radio Liberty – Belarus, have been recognized as extremist,” post “Spring”. As RIA Novosti clarified in its Telegram, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus warned that the subscription to the channel “Radio Liberty – Belarus” is punishable by law.

The deceased head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will erect a monument in Moscow

The installation of a monument in the west of Moscow in honor of the deceased head of the Ministry of Emergencies, Zinichev, was approved. General Evgeny Zinichev. The construction should appear in the west of the capital, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the architect Igor Voskresensky. The commission unanimously supported the idea, the monument is planned to be erected on Kremenchug Street in the Fili-Davydkovo area. Earlier on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations it was reported that the image of the general was immortalized at the metro station “Davydkovo”, he appeared on the stained glass “Heroes are always nearby” at the entrance to the platform. Deputies of the Kaliningrad City Council in honor of Yevgeny Zinichev decided to name one of the streets cities. The Toponymic Commission decided to rename Polskaya Street, and the municipal authorities promised to build a school and a kindergarten in the

Ukraine will build two naval bases

Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov: new naval bases will appear in Ochakov and Berdyansk naval forces (Navy) of Ukraine. This was announced by Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov, reports the Obozrevatel portal. The bases will appear in the city of Ochakov in the Nikolaev region and in the city of Berdyansk in the Zaporozhye region. “Among the priorities are the missile program and the development of the fleet's capabilities. We are moving on to the practical stage of construction of two naval bases in Berdyansk and Ochakovo and other contracts within the framework of agreements with the United Kingdom, “- said the head of the Ministry of Defense. In early 2021, the Navy received hydraulic structures and land on the coast for the construction of bases. Earlier, the Ambassador of Ukraine to the UK Vadim Prystaiko said that Kiev will receive missile weapons and two modern minesweepers from London. The

The deceased head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will erect a monument in Moscow

The installation of a monument in the west of Moscow in honor of the deceased head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Zinichev has been approved General Evgeny Zinichev. The construction should appear in the west of the capital, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the architect Igor Voskresensky. The commission unanimously supported the idea, the monument is planned to be erected on Kremenchug Street in the Fili-Davydkovo area. Earlier on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations it was reported that the image of the general was immortalized at the metro station “Davydkovo”, he appeared on the stained glass “Heroes are always nearby” at the entrance to the platform. Deputies of the Kaliningrad City Council in honor of Yevgeny Zinichev decided to name one of the streets cities. The Toponymic Commission decided to rename Polskaya Street, and the municipal authorities promised to build a school and a kindergarten

Ukraine will build two naval bases

Head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov: new naval bases will appear in Ochakov and Berdyansk naval forces (Navy) of Ukraine. This was announced by Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov, reports the Obozrevatel portal. The bases will appear in the city of Ochakov in the Nikolaev region and in the city of Berdyansk in the Zaporozhye region. “Among the priorities are the missile program and the development of the fleet's capabilities. We are moving on to the practical stage of construction of two naval bases in Berdyansk and Ochakovo and other contracts within the framework of agreements with the United Kingdom, “- said the head of the Ministry of Defense. In early 2021, the Navy received hydraulic structures and land on the coast for the construction of bases. Earlier, the Ambassador of Ukraine to the UK Vadim Prystaiko said that Kiev will receive missile weapons and two modern minesweepers

Первый российский регион достиг целевого уровня вакцинации

Севастополь стал абсолютным лидером среди российских регионов по коллективному иммунитету к COVID-19, заявила вице-премьер Татьяна Голикова. «У нас есть абсолютный лидер — город Севастополь, где этот показатель составил 80,8%», — отметила она. По словам вице-премьера, уровень выше 72% зафиксирован в шести регионах страны: в Чукотском автономном округе, Республике Тыва, Карелии, Санкт-Петербурге, Московской области и Москве. Материал дополняется. Виктория Тютина

Астрономы разгадали загадку «невозможной» звезды

Ученые наконец разгадали загадку необычных звезд, само существование которых казалось парадоксом. Речь идет о белых карликах с чрезвычайно малой массой (extremely low mass white dwarf). Белыми карликами становятся сравнительно небольшие звезды в конце своей эволюции, когда сжигают все свои источники термоядерной энергии. Но некоторые звезды превращаются в карлики с чрезвычайно малой массой. Они «легче» Солнца более чем в три раза. Расчеты ученых показали: чтобы звезда эволюционировала до такого состояния, в обычных обстоятельствах должно пройти больше времени, чем существует Вселенная (13,8 млрд лет), что физически невозможно. Следовательно, предположили ученые, у такого карлика должен существовать «помощник», который поможет ему потерять массу. Такая гипотеза прозвучала еще 50 лет назад, и наконец астрономы получили научное ее подтверждение. Новый объект смог обнаружить докторант Карим Эль-Бадри с помощью телескопа Шейна в Калифорнии и некоторых других наблюдений. Он нашел переходную двойную звезду — необычную пару, в которой одна из звезд силой своей гравитации «разъедает» звезду-компаньона, пока та не станет белым карликом с чрезвычайно малой массой. Исследователи назвали находку «недостающим эволюционным звеном», которое проливает свет на формирование уникальных звезд. Они продолжат изучение нескольких десятков