Details of the case of the founder of Group-IB Sachkov have been disclosed

Bloomberg: the case of the founder of Group-IB may be related to interference in the US elections The FSB is treason, may be due to the transfer to the American authorities of data on the interference of Russian hackers in the US elections. This was reported by Bloomberg, citing informed sources.

According to them, Sachkov could be accused of having informed the Americans about the Russian hacker group Fancy Bear and their attempts to interfere in the 2016 US presidential elections. This information helped the authorities find the GRU agents who allegedly participated in the cyberattacks.

Earlier, Sachkov turned to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request to facilitate his transfer to house arrest. “I am not a traitor, not a spy or a traitor, I am a Russian engineer,” the letter says.

According to him, in the pre-trial detention center, newspapers do not reach him, he was deprived of television and the ability to send and receive letters.

According to the investigation, Sachkov worked for foreign special services and passed them data that constitutes a state secret in the field of cybersecurity. The founder of Group-IB himself does not admit his guilt.

