Transgender woman Lina Axelsson Kilblom has been appointed Minister of Education of Sweden This is the first transperson to hold a post in the government of the country. This is reported by the Swedish portal Expressen.
51-year-old Kilblom was previously a member of the school commission and has extensive experience in the educational field. In 2015, she admitted to having made a trans-geder transition. She also published an autobiography, “Will You Like Me Now?” Identity Story “. In it, she reveals the theme of fear of rejection, ridicule and rejection.
The first woman prime minister in Sweden's history, a member of the Social Democratic Party Magdalena Andersson, was appointed to the post of Kilblom.
Earlier it became known that in the Altai Territory the branch of the regional party “Civil Initiative” was headed by a transgender woman Yulia Aleshina. This decision was made by the politician after she learned about other trans people working in this area around the world. Currently, Alyoshina is 31 years old, her passport contains a woman's name and gender. She stressed that she is not going to build a career on the image of LGBT people.