Deputy Rashkin will sue the State Duma over the non-admission of lawyers to the meeting

According to & nbsp; Obukhov, Rashkin on November 21 & nbsp; appealed to & nbsp; Arshba with & nbsp;, representing his lawyers, meeting of the commission on & nbsp; ethics, where the issue of & nbsp; removal of parliamentary immunity from & nbsp; was considered, but the chairman of the commission refused the request.

“ Contrary to & nbsp; the above requirements of federal legislation, Otari Arshba refused Valery Rashkin's representative in & nbsp; his interests by professional lawyers & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Obukhov quoted the deputy's claim (quoted by Interfax). With this and & nbsp; at the & nbsp; meeting of the commission, and & nbsp; at the & nbsp; plenary meeting of the State Duma that followed it, representatives of the Prosecutor General's Office were present.

Rashkin claims that & nbsp; the non-admission of lawyers put him “ in an & nbsp; unequal position '', since he & nbsp; did not & nbsp; had the necessary experience and & nbsp; legal knowledge to & nbsp; compete with & nbsp; representatives of the state prosecution, and & nbsp; should & nbsp; exercise your right to & nbsp; protection & raquo; from & nbsp; charges.

The State Duma on November 25 & nbsp; voted in favor of & nbsp; to deprive Rashkin of parliamentary immunity. For 341 members of the lower house of parliament voted, 55 voted against, two more abstained. At the & nbsp; meeting, the Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov was personally present, who & nbsp; sent to the Duma an idea of ​​& nbsp; removing immunity from & nbsp; a communist and & nbsp; initiating a criminal case against him. Krasnov advocated & nbsp; bringing the deputy to responsibility under & nbsp; part 2 of Art. & Nbsp; 258 of the Criminal Code & nbsp; RF (illegal hunting committed by a group of persons with & nbsp; using a vehicle and & nbsp; causing major damage), which provides for punishment in & nbsp; the form of a fine in & nbsp; in the amount from & nbsp; 500 & nbsp; 000 to & nbsp; 1 & nbsp; mln rubles. or from & nbsp; three to & nbsp; five years in prison. In addition, the prosecutor's office asks for & nbsp; permission to bring Rashkin to administrative responsibility (Art. & Nbsp; 12.26 of the Administrative Code). According to & nbsp; this article, refusal to & nbsp; medical examination is equated to & nbsp; drunk driving and & nbsp; entails a fine of & nbsp; 30 & nbsp; 000 RUB and & nbsp; deprivation of the rights to & nbsp; one and a half to two years.

Rashkin was detained along with & nbsp; sign in & nbsp; & nbsp; ; night on & nbsp; 29 & nbsp; October. In the & nbsp; trunk of the deputy's car, they found a cut carcass of an elk. At first he & nbsp; claimed that & nbsp; found her in the & nbsp; forest and & nbsp; was going to take her to the & nbsp; police, but later changed his testimony and & nbsp; admitted that & nbsp; was hunting. According to & nbsp; he said, he fired shots at & nbsp; elk, mistaking him for & nbsp; a large wild boar.

