Russians assessed their financial situation

FOM: 54% of Russians assess their financial situation as average 19 percent, and as bad – 25 percent. This is evidenced by a survey by the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM).

At the same time, 23 percent of respondents expect an improvement in their financial situation in the coming year, another 18 percent believe that it will worsen. About 63 percent of the respondents believe that their income has practically not changed over the past two or three months. Deterioration was noted by 29 percent, and improvement – by 7 percent.

It was previously reported that almost two-thirds of Russians (69 percent) are dissatisfied with their current income. Almost every tenth (9 percent) is going to increase earnings, which he defines as average.

A third of the respondents try to keep track of their budget and not spend too much to increase their income. Another quarter (26 percent) want to work harder, eight percent are improving their financial literacy, and five percent are getting additional education. Another eight percent of Russians send “requests for wealth” to the Universe.

Another two percent follow monetary signs, one percent believes that a screensaver on a phone with coins or bills will help to attract money.

